It may take longer to arrive than we would like, but Spring still manages to make its way to us every year. Spring comes with responsibilities though, and let's face it -- when we finally obtain freedom from shovelling snow, the last thing we want to do is think of more home maintenance and remember all the to-do items for Spring. Alas, it must be done! Your house is one of the biggest investments you will ever make, and taking care of it is key to a strong return on your investment in the future. To offer some assistance, here are some friendly reminders and perhaps a few tips you've never heard of before if you're a newer homeowner!
• If you have air conditioning, turn on the main electrical panel breaker labelled AC so your unit has power (this should wait until it is consistently over 20º outside).
• Clean your exterior AC unit of leaves or debris that may have accumulated or gotten stuck over the winter
• Turn on your exterior irrigation system, and check your programming
• Change the batteries on any keyless deadbolts (lithium batteries are recommended)
• Clean out your gutters and downspouts, and check for anything that may have loosened over the winter
• Clean out your gutters and downspouts, and check for anything that may have loosened over the winter
• Power wash your exterior, and clean your windows
• Check for soil settlement and fill any washout areas with topsoil, especially near your home's foundation to prevent pooling
• Inspect concrete for cracks and fill/reseal, if needed
• Turn on all exterior hose bibs
• Change your humidifier switch (attached to the furnace) to summer mode
• Install a new furnace filter for best humidity results (these should be changed seasonally unless you're living in a new neighborhood under construction, which might require more frequent changes)
• Install a new furnace filter for best humidity results (these should be changed seasonally unless you're living in a new neighborhood under construction, which might require more frequent changes)
• If you have in-floor heat, it's recommended to turn it down to as low as 15º in the hottest months
• Check your smoke and CO2 detector batteries (monthly)
Pro tip:
Create a seasonal checklist to keep on your phone or on file somewhere (like a planner) if you're a pen and paper person. You can even set a reminder on your phone to alert you when it's time to review the list!
Now get outside and enjoy the incoming warmer weather! Hopefully we didn't just jinx it...