As one of the five communities located within the Symons Valley area, Sage Hill is located on the northern border of Calgary. It's bounded by 144 Ave NW, the community of Evanston, Symons Valley Parkway, and Shaganappi Trail.
A variety of green spaces serve the community, such as the Pirate Playground, the Sage Hills Outdoor Ice Rink, the Sage Hill Vista Point, and the Sage Castle Playground. There's also a creek that runs parallel to the eastern border of the community with pathways winding around the surrounding storm ponds.
The northwest corner features the Sage Hill Quarter with amenities and restaurants, such as Leopold's Tavern, iyycburg, Bow Tie Pizza, and Co-op. Other nearby amenities in the southern part of the community include Walmart, Pho Hoan Pasteur, Wine and Beyond, and Sunset Grill.